Secured by Blockchain
Over 50+ Creators
400+ Ratings

Protect your digital creations with Fileblox

Harness the power of decentralized file monetization and tokenization with FileBlox's NFT encryption technology.

We make it simple to tokenize and monetize your creative works.

FileBlox provides everything you need to protect and sell your digital assets. Our platform offers automated file encryption and tokenization as well as a decentralized marketplace.

  • Automatic Encryption

    Protect files from unauthorized access and tampering. Only the NFT owner gets an access to your file through the Fileblox user-decrypt technology.

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  • Secure File Storage

    Store files with confidence. Distributed storage through IPFS and FileCoin enables data permanence and availability.

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  • Automated Tokenization

    By tokenizing your creations into NFT, you can establish verifiable ownership, authenticity, and record keeping for your files

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  • Sell on your Terms

    Due to the NFT's decentralized nature, you will directly get your payments and eliminate barriers created by traditional payment systems

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  • User-Friendly Marketplace

    Fileblox offers a seamless and intuitive marketplace where users can explore and acquire unique digital assets.

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  • Streamlined Ownership

    Check all the content you own and sell in one simple dashboard and have an easy inventory of your files and earnings.

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